Interested buyers can get an historic but creepy plot, complete with spirits and goblins. The site for sale is an old farming village in Scotland that dates back to the 1600’s called Lawers and it costs just $130,000, however it has a few problems… The site is said to be haunted by a 17th century soothsayer, know as the Lady of Lawers. She predicted the coming of the railway, the steamboat and she put a curse on an ash tree on the property. She said bad things would happen to anyone who hurt the tree. When she died, she was buried next to the tree. In 1895 a man and his friend cut down the tree. Soon after he was killed by his own bull and his friend went crazy, even the horse used to pull the tree away got sick and died. Many say they have spotted the Lady of Lawers walking around the ruins. Read the full story here: and-lawers”>Haunted Ruins for Sale! And if you know of anyone who would like to purchase this haunted plot of land let us know and I’m sure we could refer you to a great Realtor in Scotland.
Happy Halloween!
Todd Wiley, Kim Wiley, The Wiley Team